Fitness like never before! See EGYM at HFA (formerly IHRSA), March 13-14


Don't Just Buy The Trend. Analyze Real Usage!

Member success is the foundation of your success. Thus, it's key to focus on what members want to and really do use for making investments. So, when developing your offering don't listen to manufacturers, but understand your members.

Is Your Smart Strength Utilization Very High?

Make sure to act to avoid equipment shortage & member frustration: Your Smart Strength equipment measures utilization, and therefore provides you with actionable investment insights. Our dedicated Customer Success Teams also regularly makes sure that our customers can use these insights to maximize the impact for their business. When utilization frequently spikes over 100% - meaning members start to queue and operators could benefit even more from their EGYM products - we get in touch and recommend taking action!

The Good News: Many members are using your EGYM Smart Strength equipment frequently, which means that it is massively popular among your members!

The Bad News: Your EGYM Smart Strength equipment is in short supply and members frequently need to queue before working out increasing their risk of churn.

The Great News: Your EGYM Smart Strength equipment is likely among the most used areas in your facility making it an extremely profitable investment!

Want a Helping Hand?

We're here to help: Together with you we'll evaluate how to maximize the impact of EGYM in your facility.

Usage Patterns Are Changing

Over the past years, the general usage patterns of members measured in time spent using different pieces of equipment have dramatically changed. Equipment utilization studies by Gymetrix - an independent advisory company helping operators to understand the real usage of their equipment - in hundreds of facilities between 2011 and 2018 show a massive shift in what members demand and spend their time with while in the gym. The effect is even more drastic when only looking at the younger and more female demographic that is gaining importance.

Cardio (All)




Member time spent using this equipment

Resistance (All)




Member time spent using this equipment

Resistance (Females <35)




Named as favorite equipment

Real Member Usage Informs Smart Investments

One of the most common mistakes is to just follow the latest buying trend of other operators, instead of listening to members. The only ones delighted about this are equipment manufacturers, not members. In contrast, many of the most successful operators, make sure they base their investment decisions on real member data, not marketing messages. Thus, they refrain from investing in unpopular equipment - and create massive savings. And, they avoid equipment shortages of popular pieces and customer frustration. Focussing on giving their members what they want - versus pushing upon them what they don't want and won't use can be a real gamechanger for your business!

Evaluate utilization data: What's heavily utilized creates most value and the best return on investment

Understand what's the right equipment that members need for a great experience

Avoid investing into or consider divesting underutilized pieces of equipment

Create massive savings, and free up ressources to add more equipment that creates real member value

Avoid shortages of popular equipment and customer frustration: Increased member satisfaction, retention & long-term membership growth

Not Sure Where to Start?

A few questions to get you going...

    It's not for no reason that they say 'knowledge is power'. Starting to assess how much each piece of equipment is actually being used by your members, or at least start by getting an understanding of what is heavily utilized will be a great starting point. Use this information to reassess which areas of your gyms are creating the most value for your members versus those pieces that are just costing you rent, but don't create value.

    Much has changed in the past decade. From the rise of the smartphone to how members prefer to work out. Even if your demographic has stayed the same, chances are their preferences to work out are not the same anymore. Even more if your target demographic has also shifted, a reason to evaluate, whether you have already adjusted your offering to match these preferences. Does your offering already reflect these changes in member demand sufficiently? Is there more potential for your to leverage this opportunity?

    It's tempting but misleading to only look at the purchasing price to assess the cost of your equipment. Most operators' largest cost blocks are personnel and rent. Now, when it comes to equipment the cost of the space it takes up needs to be considered to understand the real 'total cost of ownership'. As should the alternative that could be placed there. For example, a squat rack might be relatively inexpensive to purchase. Yet, it might still be a bad investment, if it's an excess one that is not being used. Take the space it uses times your rent per square meter times 12 months per year, and you'll have a better idea of the costs it causes without generating a lot of value. Now, to add to it, imagine if you could place more of your most popular pieces of equipment there, and what you're missing out on. That's why a small investment sometimes might be bad, while a large investment can really pay off. Keep that in mind.

    Probably also in your facility things have changed over time. Some areas are new, others have grown, and many have shifted. As has your demographic. It's time to re-evaluate your offering to make sure you're maximizing the impact for your business by making informed decisions based on real member usage data. Are you ready?

    Looking for a Helping Hand?

    We're here to help: Together with you we'll evaluate how to maximize the impact of EGYM in your facility.

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